We know you’re always looking for reliable information about how to market your business. Each week we compile the best information on marketing strategy, social media, and more to share in our newsletter (see below) and on our blog. If you have a topic you’d like to hear more about, send us a message. We’re always looking for new topics to share about.
Could your business benefit from some spring cleaning in your marketing?
Ahh spring! For a lot of us the sun or warmth of the sun is finally being felt on our skin, and it feels so good. This past weekend was full of warm sunny...
A Guideline To Photoshop & Editing Ethics
Over the past few years I have travelled more than in the rest of my life combined. My husband and I hit 12 new countries and several states in the past 4...
The best personality test to help your team function together naturally
Disclaimer: I am a personality test junkie. Ever since I first stumbled upon my first personality test, I have found excitement and belonging in taking these...
3 ways to make writing nurture emails easier
Clients have asked us, “how do you put out an email EVERY WEEK? How do you find so much material to talk about? How do you have the bandwidth to do it?” Well,...
The Customer is (not) always right.
For the past year and a half, I have worked at Starbucks as a barista. It’s an awesome side gig. Free coffee drinks. Connections with our regulars. The power...
Confessions of a Bookworm: How I Found My Little Corner of Social Media
A decade ago, my oldest and dearest girlfriends—women I’ve known since elementary school—teased me mercilessly for not being on Facebook. “Stretch your...
Three Opportunities to Surprise and Delight Your Clients
How do you care for your clients well? I mean going beyond just doing your job well. Are you a baker or restaurant? I don’t just mean serving good food. Are...
How to drive traffic to your website and sales funnel
So you have a new website and you’ve built your sales funnel. Visitors to your website will now download your lead generator and be funneled into a sales...
All About Rebranding
Alfred Edward Perlamn, a hot-shot railroad executive from the 1960s, said it well when he stated “After you've done a thing the same way for two years,...
What Being a Mom Taught me About Reaching Your Audience Online
Honestly, I have never paid much attention to advertisements or marketing. I just took for granted what appealed to me and didn’t really think twice. After...
About COVID-19 and the New Normal
There’s a lot of talk about how we should be operating our businesses amidst this “new normal” we’re living in. For some, the initial panic of how to survive...
Social Media’s Role in our Relationship with Food: Insight from a Registered Dietitian
As a healthcare provider, I never thought social media would be as important to my practice as it has become. As I’ve come to understand the value in having a...
Authenticity is the key to ANY success, but especially on social media
In 2019, Merriam-Webster defined "social media" as "forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information,...
My Reflections on Netflix’s The Social Dilemma
Last month The Social Dilemma hit Netflix, and almost immediately, all my marketing colleagues started talking about it. While I normally try to...
Women’s Business Month
In honor of National Women's Small Business Month, we wanted to mini-interviews with some of our clients who run women-owned businesses. We want to celebrate...
3 Things You Need for a Photoshoot
Full Disclosure: I am not a trained photographer. But that doesn’t stop me from making sure our (and our clients) branded photos are amazing. Whether...
How good typography can serve your business.
There’s an enormous jet black billboard that I always pass on my way home from Kentucky to Atlanta. This billboard, in all white, bold CAPS, always screams...
Collaboration Speak
It can be said that solopreneurs’ impact isn’t as large as an agency's impact. Although this is true for numbers, it can be argued the authenticity and niche...
Five Reasons Why a Well Designed Brand is a Must for Your Business
1. Makes It Professional I heard a quote a few years back and I absolutely loved it. It was along the lines of “just because your business is new, doesn’t...
Three Books Every Content Creator Should Read
The words you use to describe yourself and the services you provide will attract a certainaudience. This in turn will open doors to potential clients or...
Five Ways for Nonprofits to Post on Social Media Without Asking for Something
If you run a nonprofit, you probably rely fairly heavily on donations and volunteers to keep your business running. If...
Creative ways to spice up stock photography
Stock photos are one of the best online resources available to marketers. They save time and money by replacing photoshoots and production costs with powerful...
Eliminate Digital Photo Chaos
You know exactly what you want to post on your social media account. You go to google photos or your downloads folder and scroll for the photo. You never find...
Three Steps to Choosing a Lead Magnet
Potential customers visit your website everyday. Your business invested time and money to get them there between your website, design efforts, ad campaigns,...