Three Reasons Why your Website is not Helping you Connect with your Ideal Customer

by | May 24, 2021 | Lead Generation, Marketing Tips, Website Development

Businesses understand that a website is an imperative part of their marketing. And if it is less than three years old, probably looks pretty nice. Most likely it includes a home, about, and a smattering of other pages. The problem is that most businesses stop there. They don’t realize that their website could be missing vital elements that will help their website not only connect with their ideal customer, but actually increase the amount of business they are doing.

If your website is not including these three key factors, you could be missing out on creating long-sustaining relationships with the customers you actually want to work with.

1. Messaging that is Directed to your Ideal Customer

When building a website most businesses focus too much on the look and feel of the website. While aesthetics is important to conveying your brand, and the overall feel of your website, they often completely miss the fact that it is actually the words on their website that engage, and move a prospective client into taking action. Having a clear message that speaks to your ideal customer will invite them into working with you, clearly set expectations for what your business offers, and how your business will improve their life.

2. Design that Walks your Customer through a Journey

Don’t breeze over this section because you recently had your website redesigned, and it is beautiful. There is so much more to great design than how it looks. Great design definitely looks good, but also needs to make sense. The pages included on your website need to be well thought out and placed strategically to help the customer continue their journey. What this really means is that every page included on your website needs to be justified; adding countless pages is not always to the benefit of your business. You should be asking yourself what is the purpose of this page? If it does not invite your customer into working together, then maybe it is not necessary on your website.

3. SEO that Attracts them to your Website

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a marketing tool that increases viewers to your website. It utilizes a variety of tools and methods to help prospects find your website when they search for a word or service on the internet. A business could have a beautiful website with a clear message, but not be found on the web, making SEO an imperative part of effectively marketing your website for your business.

When you combine clear messaging, great design, and effective SEO it will allow prospects to be able to find your site on the internet, navigate your beautiful website, and invite them into working with you. Website marketing only succeeds when all of these elements are present and working together. Ensuring that your website has a balance of all three of these factors will invite your ideal customer into working with your business.