Chicago - On May 8-9, Stratos Creative Marketing is hosting an in-person StoryBrand workshop to help small and medium-sized business owners integrate...
We know you’re always looking for reliable information about how to market your business. Each week we compile the best information on marketing strategy, social media, and more to share in our newsletter (see below) and on our blog. If you have a topic you’d like to hear more about, send us a message. We’re always looking for new topics to share about.
5 Quick SB Questions to Improve Your Marketing
It’s almost embarrassing how often StoryBrand crosses my mind while I’m out and about. It’s like once you learn about storytelling in marketing, you can’t...
Creativity During a Slump
We all have those moments where we feel like we need to create something, even when we’re not sure what that is. Whether it's a social media post, an email,...
How did StoryBrand make me eat a whole pizza🍕? Julia’s SB Journey
If you have been here for a while, you know we LOVE the StoryBrand Framework and that I am a StoryBrand Guide. Maybe you recently listened to my podcast...
What is StoryBrand?
StoryBrand is a framework that helps clarify your messaging so you can create marketing that compels your audience to take action. But, here at Stratos, we...
Three Ways You Can Use StoryBrand Strategically in Your Marketing (Other Than in Your Copy)
Sometimes, people think the StoryBrand framework only applies to the copy of websites and emails. In reality, it’s a tool you can use to strategically align...
Guide vs Hero: Why does it really matter?
Remember those analogy activities we had to do in elementary and middle school? Cat is to kitten as dog is to puppy. Well, here’s some more: Frodo is to...
How to talk about yourself without bragging
Many of our clients struggle with figuring out how to talk about themselves and their business in their marketing. Whether it’s on social media or an about...
Empathy – A Business Owner’s Greatest Strength
With all of the things going on in the world today (COVID-19, Black Live Matter, etc.), I’ve been reflecting a lot on what empathy should look like in our...
How to Design an Advertising Campaign
Most people feel pretty intimidated when it comes to designing a paid marketing campaign and rightfully so. If you do not execute that campaign well or if...
How to say what you do without losing people’s attention
Have you ever been at a networking event where you zone out while the other person is talking? I’m talking full-on...
The Three Best Podcasts on Marketing
In light of celebrating International Podcast Day yesterday, we wanted to share three of our favorite marketing podcasts with you. These are all easy to...
A “Whole New World” with StoryBrand
I rarely watch movies more than once and never watch the same movie in the theatre more than once! But a couple of months ago I found myself in the movie...