One of the most common questions I'm asked is: how do I boost my engagement on social media? One of my favorite ways to encourage conversations is through...
We know you’re always looking for reliable information about how to market your business. Each week we compile the best information on marketing strategy, social media, and more to share in our newsletter (see below) and on our blog. If you have a topic you’d like to hear more about, send us a message. We’re always looking for new topics to share about.
3 Things We’re Always Testing in Our Lead Gen Ads
When it comes to running lead generation ads, it's never just a "set it and forget it" situation. Testing, tweaking, and analyzing - That's what we're doing...
Batch this content so you can take a break this holiday!
We are all so close to the end of the year. If you are like me, you look forward to spending extra time with your favorite people and taking a break from...
“Day in the life” B-roll Challenge!
Have you wanted to add more video content to your business’s social media but don't know where to start? We get it. It can be difficult not to get...
How to use ChatGPT to make 5 social media posts within minutes
At Stratos, we're big fans of repurposing content. Not only does it save you time, but it also helps make your content last longer and gain more visibility...
Four Quick Tips to Instantly Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy
If you are like me, your inbox is full of promotional emails. I am guessing some of your reasons are the same as mine: I like to read updates from...
The 2 Types of emails you should be sending to your email list right now.
Whether you are a non-profit, brick-and-mortar, service-based, or online-based business (I could go on and on), if you have content you want or need to share...
What Does Katy Perry have to do with feeling productive?
Do you ever feel like a plastic bagDrifting through the wind, wanting to start again?Do you ever feel, feel so paper-thinLike a house of cards, one blow from...
10 B-rolls reels you can create right now!
B-roll. It's so hot right now. Well, in social media circles, it is. I am guessing you may have heard of it before. But let me give you a quick...
Three Tips to Spring Clean Your Social Strategy
Are you feeling like your social media strategy is all over the place and could benefit from some “spring cleaning,” but maybe you don’t know where to start? ...
Our “INs & OUTs” for 2024
We are not all New Year's resolution people in the Stratos family, but when we saw the “INs & OUTs” trend, we were in. Plus, sometimes it's easier to...
Batch this content so you can take a break this holiday!
We are all so close to the end of the year—less than two weeks, to be exact—and if you are like me, you are looking forward to spending a little extra time...
Three things you need to stop doing in your social media content
We're all trying our best to stay on top of social media by creating habits. But let's be real – not every habit we try is a winning one. Today, we're talking...
In a Social Media Rut
When it comes to social media marketing, there is ALWAYS something to create. But sometimes it’s hard to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard to do the...
Four Simple Emails You Can Send This Week
BE HONEST. Have you dropped into the inboxes of your audience recently? If you haven't, I have four ideas to get you started on an email you can send this...
How do you know if you are doing your “Best Work?”
With the end of Q2, we wrapped up work for some of our clients whose grant funding had dried up and others who were implementing some new marketing...
3 ways to make writing nurture emails easier
Clients have asked us, “how do you put out an email EVERY WEEK? How do you find so much material to talk about? How do you have the bandwidth to do it?” Well,...
Women’s Business Month
In honor of National Women's Small Business Month, we wanted to mini-interviews with some of our clients who run women-owned businesses. We want to celebrate...
3 Things You Need for a Photoshoot
Full Disclosure: I am not a trained photographer. But that doesn’t stop me from making sure our (and our clients) branded photos are amazing. Whether...
Celebrating Social Media Holidays… yes or no?
We all know that creating content for your business social media can feel overwhelming. When you add in all the National Holidays and Social Media holidays,...
Using GIFs and Memes in your Marketing
You’ve seen them, you’ve shared them, but let’s learn a little more about what they are and why (or why not) you should use GIFs or memes in your marketing....
Selling without selling on Social Media
Not every post needs to have a giant BOOK NOW, BUY NOW, SCHEDULE NOW request. Social Media is STILL a place where people go to connect…and then (maybe)...