Batch this content so you can take a break this holiday!

by | Dec 20, 2023 | Miscellaneous

We are all so close to the end of the year—less than two weeks, to be exact—and if you are like me, you are looking forward to spending a little extra time with your favorite people and taking a break from social media. If you are a small business owner or even a content coordinator like me, it may feel difficult to be fully away from your social media accounts, but we all deserve to enjoy the holidays.

In order for that to happen, you can batch-create and preschedule your social media content. If you are feeling overwhelmed and cannot think of any posts to create, here are five social media content ideas and starter captions that you can batch and schedule TODAY so you can check one more thing off your to-do list.

Wrap It Up and Reflect

Raise your hand if you LOVE seeing your Spotify Wrapped recap. If so, you can create your own year in review. Celebrate what you, your team, and your business have accomplished this past year by creating content that highlights key milestones. You can share achievements, product launches, or any notable events that shaped your year. Create a design like an infographic or a photo collage using a Canva template to make the post look fabulous and shareable.

Caption Starter:: 

Reflecting on a year of growth, challenges, and triumphs, we want to share it all with you!


Here’s to more success in the coming year! 🎉 #YearInReview #SmallBusinessSuccess

Express Gratitude

Express gratitude to the people who have supported your business. This can be customers, clients, and followers. Write a heartfelt message thanking them for their loyalty and contributions. Consider creating a front-facing reel speaking your gratitude or a quick video of you writing “Thank you” and sharing details in the caption.  

Caption Starter: 

As we wrap up another year, we want to express our gratitude to [INSERT SPECIFIC AUDIENCE] Your support has been the driving force behind our success. [INSERT SPECIFIC THINGS PEOPLE HAVE DONE]. Thank you so much! 🙏❤️ 

Year-End Discounts and Promotions

Are you a product-based business? Encourage end-of-year sales by offering exclusive discounts or promotions on items that you would like to clear out. Create content showcasing your special offers, and use compelling copy to convey a sense of urgency. This can work for service-based businesses as well. If you need help thinking of a promo, let us know!

Caption Starter:

We are celebrating the end of the year with a gift 🎉 Enjoy an exclusive discount [INSERT PROMO OR DISCOUNT] on [INSERT PRODUCT OR SERVICE] until [INSERT EXPIRATION DATE]

Don’t miss out—shop now!! 🛍️ 

Shine a Spotlight on Your Team

Customers love to know the BTS of your business, and featuring your team members in a year-end employee spotlight post is a great way to give a peek behind the curtain. You can share multiple photos from the year in a carousel post, anecdotes, or fun facts about each team member in the caption. 

This not only humanizes your brand but also fosters a sense of community!

Caption Starter: 

Meet the incredible faces behind [YOUR BUSINESS NAME]! 

🌟 As the year comes to a close, we want to shout out the team* that helps our business thrive. [INSERT DETAILS ABOUT YOUR TEAM HERE]. Thank you for your hard work and dedication! 👏 

*If your team members have social media accounts and give permission, tag them in the post.

Share your New Year’s Resolutions

We know you have goals for the next year, so why not put them out into the world? Share your small business goals and resolutions for the upcoming year in a post that looks forward to the future. Let your audience know what exciting things they can expect from your business in the coming year. Add a call to action for them to your emails to be the first ones to get updates. Maybe even give a little tease of something to come to build excitement!

Caption Starter:

Cheers to a new year filled with new possibilities! 🌟 We’re excited to share our resolutions for 2024. [INSERT LIST AND TEASE SOMETHING EXCITING]

If you want to be the first to know more, subscribe to our emails! [INSERT LINK or INVITE THEM TO MESSAGE YOU FOR DETAILS]

What are your goals for the upcoming year? Let’s make it a year to remember! 🪩

Need a few more? Here are some quick brainstorms you can take to the next level:

  • Countdown to New Year: Create a series of countdown posts to build anticipation for the upcoming year/product launch/announcement
  • Interactive Polls and Surveys: Engage your audience in stories by asking them about their favorite moments from the past year, asking questions about what is coming or their aspirations for the new year. 
  • Festive Giveaways: Host a holiday-themed giveaway to boost engagement and reward your loyal followers.

Do you think you have enough inspiration to last you until 2024? GOOD! 

PRO TIP: There is no need for all of this content to be posted before 2024. Feel free to spread them out into January as you see fit! Oh, and if you use any of our holiday templates, you have event MORE posts to preschedule.

I truly hope you put these content ideas to good use. When you do, make sure to tag us so we can so them some love. Happy batching and holidays!!