Four Quick Tips to Instantly Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy

by | Sep 18, 2024 | Email Marketing, Marketing Tips, Strategic Planning

If you are like me, your inbox is full of promotional emails. 

I am guessing some of your reasons are the same as mine:

  • I like to read updates from businesses I support and authors I love, and I want to get discounts on stuff I buy.
  • I subscribe to many a newsletter because it’s part of the job.
  • I signed up for a freebie/promotion in the past, which also added me to an email list, and I still need to hit unsubscribe.

I have learned much from writing/curating a weekly email and reading other people’s content. Here are four simple tips for creating nurture and sales emails that you can work into your strategy right nowl 

1. Make Them Click: Spice Up Your Subject Lines!

One of my favorite parts of writing emails is the subject line. It’s my time to hone in on what my email is about and work on my hook. Without a captivating subject line, your email may not get opened. 

Quick tip: 

1. Find the most engaging content from your email body and base your email subject on that. 

2. Turn the phrase into a question or make it a tease of the content of the email.

3. Add an emoji to make your subscribers’ eyes find it in their inbox quicker. 

2. Work Smarter: Repurpose Content

Emails are a great place to expand on social media content and provide more detail on a concept you shared previously in a social media post. On the other hand, you can use email as a tease for a longer form of content. 

SPOILER ALERT: If you are on our email list, you may be reading this blog because of an email we sent to you!

3. Make Subscribers Feel Special: Personalize Your Emails

There are easy ways to do this:

Ensure your email comes from a real person, e.g., ryann@[insertbusinessemail].com. This makes people more likely to open your email. After all, your subscribers want to connect with the people behind a business. 

Use customization codes provided by your email marketing platform. For example, adding a code to have someone’s name pop up after a greeting can make a general email feel more personal. 

A more complex way to personalize emails is to tailor messages to different audience segments. This creates a more individualized experience for subscribers who subscribed from a specific lead generator or service inquiry.

4. Be Reliable: A Consistent Schedule = Loyal Subscribers!

While your social media audience may have to scroll a long way through their feed to get to your content, having a consistent email schedule will help ensure subscribers can easily see your content. Like magic (to them), your emails will drop into their inbox, and they will look forward to reading them. 

What should that schedule look like? That is for another blog. But whatever number of emails you can commit to, send them on the same day of the week at approximately the same time. Peek behind the curtain: We like to send our clients’ emails on Wednesdays or Thursday mornings. 

Did these four tips get your email marketing wheels spinning? 

We are also working on planning future content about email marketing, and we want to hear from you! What questions do you have about email marketing? Comment below, and we can incorporate them into our future content!