My Social Media North Stars

by | Jan 18, 2023 | Social Media

I recently had someone ask me, “Which strategies, steps, or words of wisdom would you share with a business to help them grow their brand on social media?” Here’s what I told him:

🌠 Establish content pillars (3-5 topics) to focus content on. 

Some great pillars to start with are your information about your services, industry education, and behind-the-scenes footage.

🌠 Post 3-5 times per week.

If possible, use reels and video since they’ll perform better. Otherwise, use a combination of graphics and photos. The more you post, the more you’ll learn about what people like. 

🌠 Engage with others on social media who are in your audience to build a community.

One of my favorite ways to find new people who might be interested in my work is to look through the follower list of my competitors or other businesses my ideal customer might be following.

🌠 If your budget allows, run some ads. This will help you reach people beyond your organic reach. 

Organic posts only reach your followers and possibly their friends. Set up an ad with a lead generator to target your ideal customer AND get their email!

🌠 Make sure you’re using the social media channels where your audience will be. This can depend on your industry!

Don’t assume you know where your audience is; do a little research! Plus, with almost 5 billion people accessing some kind of social media, chances are they’ll be on more than one platform. After you’ve figured out where they are, think about what they’ll be thinking about as they’re on that platform. For example, while an e-commerce brand can be on LinkedIn, will LinkedIn users be thinking about shopping while they’re scrolling? Get into your ideal customer’s brain.

🌠 Social media brands can take time to nurture. 

Don’t be discouraged if your content doesn’t get traction immediately. Creating social media content regularly – especially when you’re not seeing results – can be fatiguing. 

I find that these principles serve as a North Star ⭐️ to guide you during those frustrating moments. I hope they help you too.

Looking for even more guidance with your social media? We’ve created the ideal social media scheduler that comes with prompts, templates, feedback, and brainstorming sessions so you can DIY your social media accounts with support from expert marketers and content creators. Join our DIY Social Media Club—by this time tomorrow, you could have your next month of content scheduled!