Leap Day

by | Feb 29, 2024 | Behind the Scenes

How are you using your extra day this year? 

Are you squeezing out as much as you can from every work minute available to you? Or are you spending the day with your feet on the beach? (I’d like to be doing the latter, but I happen to be doing some of the former. 😂)

I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot lately. 

One of my favorite themes I saw in January’s social content was the idea of “easing into the New Year” rather than jumping (or leaping 🤪) into the action. 

I carried that mantra into January, and apparently through February as well. Every time I felt pressure to run after a goal because everyone else was taking action, I stepped back and said “Is this easing into the New Year?” Most of the time, the answer was a solid no. 

Honestly, December was full of rushing. We completed the StoryBrand Agency Certification, brought on 3 new team members, and onboarded 3-4 new clients. 

So when our 6th business birthday rolled around mid-January, celebrating all of our rushing felt at odds with the idea of “easing” into the New Year. 

Now that I’ve “eased” my way into January and February, I’m ready to celebrate some of the cool things happening in Stratos.

Here’s what we’re celebrating:

StoryBrand Agency Training

Our whole team did a two-day training. I’ve been certified for 5 years at this point so it was fun to bring the whole team along for the ride! We’ve been writing social media with an SB lens for ages, but it’s fun to make it official!

New Team Members

I’m excited to introduce you to Dylan, K’Shari, and Christine. Dylan is an expert copywriter and has been writing AMAZING websites for us and our clients. K’Shari is our resident reels editor; honestly, our time spent on reels has been cut in half with her help. Christine has brought stability to our DIY Club as we focus on that this year!

Our 6th Birthday

I remember the day I sat in my exit interview at my last job thinking, I hope I never have to do this again. I’m happy to report that so far so good! If Stratos were my child, they’d be off to first grade this year. It’s been cool to see the maturity that comes with being in business over time, but I’ll be honest, it definitely still feels like we’re learning our own version of whatever it is that kids learn in first grade nowadays. 

I don’t think there’s a better way to close this email than by saying thank you. You’ve been along for the ride; some of you since the very beginning! It’s safe to say we wouldn’t be where we’re at without your encouragement. 

Much love, 
