Introducing our NEW podcast: Marketing in the Wild!

by | Sep 8, 2021 | Podcast

We are so excited to finally introduce our new podcast, Marketing in the Wild! This idea all started two years ago as a brainstorm on how to best serve our email list. During our brainstorm, we had this idea for Marketing in the Wild where we showcase different marketing that we’ve seen (you guessed it) in the wild and discuss what’s working, what isn’t, and how we would change it.

The idea only grew as one day, I passed by a billboard while driving up Highway 41 in Wisconsin. It was a billboard for a local car sales business that had a well-known Wisconsin football player.

What was interesting about this billboard was that, unless you were from Wisconsin, you probably wouldn’t recognize either the business logo or the football player. And there are a lot of out-of-state drivers who use Highway 41! The whole billboard seemed like one big inside joke and a missed opportunity to truly attract customers to the business.

From then on, our team at Stratos started keeping a curious eye out for how other businesses were marketing themselves. We would ask each other what was working and what was not, and how we could take these different lessons and apply them to our own marketing. It has been such a great learning experience for us that it only made sense to turn it into a podcast and share it with the world.

We know there are a lot of different podcasts out there that talk about marketing and theories on how to do it well. Our goal is to share about marketing that already exists and how it works in the real world. We also want to explore different perspectives and discuss how people perceive what is marketed towards them. We’ll bring in guests from different lifestyles and generations and hear what they like, what they don’t like, and everything else in between.

We hope you have fun approaching the good, the bad, and sometimes, the wild, in today’s marketing. Tune in for weekly episodes and let us know what kind of stuff you want to hear about! Even better, feel free to send us the marketing YOU see in the wild and let us know what you think. We are so excited to have fun and be creative with this podcast. Make sure to tune in for our next couple of episodes, coming this fall!

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