Digital Marketing is Now More Important Than Ever

by | Jun 22, 2020 | Marketing Tips, Strategic Planning

It is almost always easier to keep your current customers than it is to get new ones. Over the last month, screen time in the U.S. has seen a sharp increase during the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly with social media use. While many are struggling to make sales during this time, you can strive to be creative in the way your business is marketing itself. Cabin fever is setting in, and many are looking to return to normalcy. There are those that will be looking to engage with you when businesses start to open up this next month. How are you letting them know how?

If you are not using your Facebook page as a positive place to promote well-being during this pandemic or as a way to inform your customers on the way you’re dealing with Covid-19, you’re missing out. As we are all social distancing and many have lost jobs, traditional outlets of advertising that cost money for the consumer like newspaper subscriptions, cable, and magazines won’t have the impact that free platforms like Facebook do.  

To that end, here are five Facebook posts you should consider while ramping up to re-open:

  1. Make a post about the ways you are ensuring the safety and cleanliness of your business for both your employees and customers.
  2. If you are a restaurant or in the service industry, share a heartfelt post about how you miss your customers and ask them to comment (working towards organic engagement, being sure to reply to every comment) what they’re looking forward to most in the coming month.
  3. Share a success story from your community or show how your employees are helping those around them. 
  4. Take the time to share recent reviews you’ve had, thanking them for their nice words, and thanking the great community that continues to support you through this all. 
  5. Finally, don’t hesitate to post something funny! If you’re a restaurant, share a funny gif of someone dancing with the caption “Us when our favorite restaurant is back open,” If you’re a gym, share a gif of Rocky running up the stairs of the Pennsylvania capitol with a caption like “How we’re hitting the gym the first day back.” Everyone could use a good laugh, and your Facebook page is a great place to offer brand awareness through humor.