If you're feeling challenged by coming up with engaging reel ideas, you are not alone! When our clients start working with us, it's often a top request......
We know you’re always looking for reliable information about how to market your business. Each week we compile the best information on marketing strategy, social media, and more to share in our newsletter (see below) and on our blog. If you have a topic you’d like to hear more about, send us a message. We’re always looking for new topics to share about.
“Day in the life” B-roll Challenge!
Have you wanted to add more video content to your business’s social media but don't know where to start? We get it. It can be difficult not to get...
The Stratos Social Media Club is a Small Business Owner’s Dream
Hi, I’m Kelsey. I take on too many tasks and then panic about completing them all. (Kidding, sort of). A little insight into my life: I run a nonprofit, teach...
What Does Katy Perry have to do with feeling productive?
Do you ever feel like a plastic bagDrifting through the wind, wanting to start again?Do you ever feel, feel so paper-thinLike a house of cards, one blow from...
Leap Day
How are you using your extra day this year? Are you squeezing out as much as you can from every work minute available to you? Or are you spending the...
Printing Businesses We Love and Use (And You Can, Too!)
When we pass off a complete design file for print assets like business cards, stickers, or flyers, clients often ask, "Where should I get this printed?"...
Six Automations We Use in Our Marketing Strategy
Today we're talking about my secret weapon in marketing: automations. Marketing automations save time and effort so you can enhance customer engagement and...
How We Use Canva Pro at Stratos Creative Marketing
We'll be honest: we were resistant to hopping on the Canva bandwagon. We saw all these reels and pins about Canva tutorials and would roll our eyes and keep...
Why We Love Around
We didn't know we needed a Zoom replacement... until we found Around. And now that we are official converts, we thought we'd share a few of our favorite...
A Behind the Scenes Look at Widows Lost & Found
Each individual team member at Stratos has their own unique passion projects and things we devote our time and energy to outside of work. From nonprofits to...
From MIW Podcast: Behind the Scenes of the MIW Brand ft. Savannah Guthrie
This week, we’d like to share with you an episode from Stratos’ Marketing in the Wild Podcast. In this episode, Stratos graphic designer, Savannah, talks...
3 Things We Would Steal From Steal Like An Artist
Do you see yourself as a “creative,” or maybe even an artist? Let us guess. If you don’t paint or draw, you probably don’t consider yourself an artist....
What PAIL Month Means to Me
On October 2nd, 2018, I heard the four most devastating news a mother could hear. “There is no heartbeat.” My husband and I had gone to a routine ultrasound,...