9 Essential Posts When Starting a New Instagram Account

by | Nov 29, 2022 | Content Creation, Marketing Tips, Social Media

Showing up on social can be intimidating, but there are some posts that every business should publish when first starting an account. Here’s our list of the first 9 posts for any new account.

1. Introduce the business. Who are you? What do you do? What’s your elevator pitch?

2. What problem does your ideal customer face that you have the solution to?

3. How can people work with you? What steps does someone take when becoming your customer?

4. Share a tip or trick for your customers.

5. Who are your customers? What do they want? What’s stopping them from getting what they want?

6. Position yourself as the guide. Share your experience, credentials, stats, or other metrics that prove your authority in your field.

7. Share a common misconception in your industry.

8. What does success look like for your client?

9. Highlight a client success story or share a testimonial.

10. BONUS: Share something personal. Help followers connect with you by sharing something about YOU, not just about your business.

Looking for even more guidance with your social media? We’ve created the ideal social media scheduler that comes with prompts, templates, feedback, and brainstorming sessions so you can DIY your social media accounts with support from expert marketers and content creators. Join our DIY Social Media Club—by this time tomorrow, you could have your next month of content scheduled!