Reels Inspo and Examples We’ve Gathered for You

by | Mar 8, 2022 | Content Creation, Social Media

Hey friends. You’ve probably heard us talking about breaking into the reels game lately. It’s something we are doing for a number of reasons: 

  1. It challenges us.
  2. It’s good for our marketing strategy.
  3. It’s fun.
  4. Are there any other reasons to add?

So it probably goes without saying that reels have been on our mind a lot lately.

You also may or may not know that our team has a variety of side hustles and passion projects (stick with me, this will come together, I promise). As reels have taken the internet by storm, some of us with side hustles have been dipping our toes in, too. For example, our Operations Manager, Kat, started Widows Lost & Found. Widows Lost & Found is a place for those who have lost a partner to find community. (Check it out here.) We think Kat has been crushing her reels. Keep reading to see one!

I run a nonprofit that provides education to vulnerable children in Tanzania and I have recently been racking my brain trying to figure out what reels should look like for our marketing strategy. And then it hit me: if I’m struggling to figure out what reels look like for MY business… I bet some of you are, too. So I decided to do some research to help us both.

Keep reading to find out how different businesses are using this new marketing strategy to engage and entertain their audiences.

Widows Lost & Found

Kat’s most viewed reel is her first reel ever. While she doesn’t feel it’s her best one, it has obviously had an impact on her audience. It’s relatable, short, and sweet. Can you provide value and relatability with your content?


In an email from Canva, I discovered this travel company called Elsewhere that stole my heart. Their reels are unsurprisingly breathtaking. They’re using travel and stunning locations to catch your eye. Do you have a stunning location to show off? (Or even a cozy office space?)

Denise Peter

Mindfully scrolling reels, I stumbled upon this artist who gives us a behind-the-scenes look at her work. It is both stunning and mesmerizing. What are some ways you can showcase your work BTS?

Ruby Coffee Roasters

This is my favorite coffee roaster so I actually sought out their reels. They didn’t disappoint and I subsequently had a difficult time choosing my favorite one to show you. But I cannot stop thinking about this product showcase: Steeped Coffee (WHAT IS THIS.) Consider using a reel to showcase some of your products!

Best Food Date

This account shares a ton of fun restaurants and bars in the Chicago area. They have even created a community: Best Date Foodies. For a small fee, members get discounts and access to contests and exclusive events in Chicago. Their reels are entertaining and they’ll make you want to visit Chicago, trust us. We chose a reel showcasing Christmas decor in a Chicago bar. This is an easy reel for you to replicate if you own a brick-and-mortar establishment!

Karen Cheung

Author, professor, and professional designer. Her Instagram account is described as, “Sharing creative experiments.” And let me tell you, we are here for this experiment. It is a soothing breathing exercise and social media break. Can you use reels to have people try out exercises (mindfulness, physical, etc.) with you?

What’s Your Favorite Reel?

It was hard for us to choose just a handful to show you. (If you have ever scrolled through the ones on your IG feed, you get it). But we wanted to give you a peek at reels from a variety of accounts to illustrate that there are options for all of us out there.

And hey, I even dipped my toe for my nonprofit’s account, Toa Tumaini Foundation. 

And while there is always room for improvement, here is some encouragement for you. If I can do it, you can too. Now, go dip your toes!

Have you started using reels in your business? We would love to see them! Share them with us at or tag us in the comments and we’ll come to give your reel some love!

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