How Social Media Can Supercharge Your Email List Growth

by | Sep 3, 2024 | Email Marketing, Social Media, Strategic Planning

If you’ve been around Stratos for two seconds, you know we LOVE email lists AND social media. Email is one of the best ways to keep in touch with your audience, share valuable content, and promote your brand. But how does this marketing strategy intersect with social media? AND how can you take those quick social media interactions and turn them into lasting connections?

Here are three fun and easy ways to use social media to grow your email list:

1. Get Creative with Organic Social Media Using ManyChat

You’re already posting on social media (or if you’re not, you should be), so why not make those posts work a little harder for you? Instead of the usual “link in bio” approach, try something more interactive with ManyChat.

Here’s how it works: Post something eye-catching with a call-to-action like, “Want our free guide? Just comment ‘GUIDE’ below, and we’ll send it right to you!” When someone comments, ManyChat automatically sends them a message, guiding them to share their email in exchange for the content. It’s a super smooth way to capture emails without ever leaving the platform. BONUS: Comments like this will boost engagement on your social content.

This method is especially great for reaching people who already love what you do. They’re following you for a reason, so chances are they’ll jump at the chance to get even more value from you.

2. Reach New People with Lead Generating Ads

While your current followers are important, reaching new people is key to growing your email list (and your business!) That’s where lead-generating ads come in. These ads are designed to show up in the feeds of folks who might not know you yet but would love what you have to offer.

With platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you can run lead form ads that make it super easy for people to sign up for your email list. Offer them something—like a discount, free resource, or early access—in return for their email. The cool part (at least for those of us running the ads)? The form is pre-filled with their info, so all they have to do is click “download.”

These ads are a great way to introduce your brand to new people AND grow your email list while giving them something valuable right off the bat.

3. Use Stories to Tease Something Special

Who doesn’t love a good teaser? Social media stories are perfect for creating buzz around upcoming content or special offers that your email subscribers get first dibs on.

Jump on your stories and share a sneak peek of what’s coming—maybe the first tip from a new guide or a hint at a big announcement. Then, let your followers know that if they want to be the first to get all of the details, they should sign up for your email list. It’s a fun way to create a sense of exclusivity and urgency.

Since stories only last 24 hours, they’re great for building excitement and encouraging people to act quickly. Plus, they give you a chance to connect with your audience in a more casual, friendly way.

Personally, I think social media and email are a match made in marketing heaven. By combining the two, you can build an email list full of people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say. Whether you’re getting creative with ManyChat, running ads to reach new folks, or teasing content in your stories, these strategies are sure to help you grow your list—and your business. Give them a try and see how much fun list-building can be!