9 Tips for Using Social Media in your Giving Tuesday Fundraising

by | Oct 7, 2019 | Content Creation, Social Media, Strategic Planning

While this blogpost may be most useful to non-profits and other philanthropic organizations, there are tips in here that every business can use as you prepare for your year-end sales!

Back in 2012, a group of people launched Giving Tuesday as the kick-off event for the end of year giving. Seeing as how Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday claimed four days at the end of November, Giving Tuesday followed suit. 

Generous givers in over 150 countries have raised over 400 million dollars online for non-profits. It’s become a social media movement for non-profits and their supporters as they seek to raise money for good causes.

Even though Giving Tuesday is eight weeks away, and I wanted to give you a quick reminder because if you work in a non-profit you need to start planning for it now! 

After helping a handful of non-profits reach their Giving Tuesday goals through social media, we have a few tips, we think you’ll find helpful: 

#1. Start early. 

Start talking about Giving Tuesday at the beginning of November to prepare your audience for your ask. 

#2. State your goal and update your donors on their progress.

Your donors appreciate transparency and will step up to the plate to help you reach your goal. 

#3. Pick an attainable goal. 

If you reach your goal, you can always increase your goal. The positive affirmation of collectively reaching a goal will encourage your donors to give in future fundraising campaigns.

#4. Make your donor the hero.

You can talk about your organization’s work, but do it through the lens of how donations allow you to do the work. “If you give, your donation will help us accomplish…” 

#5. Celebrate at the end and along the way.

 If your donors are local, host an in-person celebration. If possible, thank the donors individually. Affirm the donors as much as possible. 

#6. Ask a core group of people to donate right away.

If potential donors see that others are donating too, they’ll be more likely to give. Also, ask these people to share and comment on your posts to increase the reach. 

#7. Interact with your supporters.

If someone comments on your posts, respond to their comment. They will be more likely to comment next time which helps your post reach a larger audience.

#8. Use the Giving Tuesday resources and graphics.

They have years of experience and have collected resources that will help you create the best fundraising campaign you can. You can find them on their website.

#9. Don’t rely on social media solely.

Use other ways to contact your donors to let them know about your fundraising goal. Social media can be an asset to your campaign, but shouldn’t replace previous avenues of raising money.

A social media fundraising campaign can be a fun way to connect your donors to your mission while creating excitement about reaching a collective goal. Whether this is your first-time use Giving Tuesday as a fundraising opportunity or whether you’ve done this since 2012, these tips will help you create some social media momentum for your end-of-year fundraising. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed about doing social media for your Giving Tuesday campaign, let us know! We love working with non-profits. Schedule a consultation appointment today!

Looking for even more guidance with your social media? We’ve created the ideal social media scheduler that comes with prompts, templates, feedback, and brainstorming sessions so you can create your ideal social media accounts yourself with the support of expert marketers and content creators! Sign up for Stratosphere today. By this time tomorrow, you could have your next month of content scheduled.