How to Get Excited About Social Media Again

by | Dec 14, 2021 | Content Creation, Social Media

The other day, a neighbor asked me what my least favorite part about marketing is, and without hesitation, I said, “Social media.” Then, they asked me why.

When my neighbor asked me this, I just told him I simply don’t enjoy it. I don’t enjoy social media that much in my personal life, either, much less my professional life. Instead, I’d rather write a blog (like this one!), proofread something someone else has written, or write copy for a website. 

But as I went home, I sat down in deep reflection. Exactly why don’t I enjoy social media? And through some deep self-reflection, I came up with an answer. I think it’s because social media has become too much of an obligation in our society. When it comes to marketing, social media becomes even more of an obligation, because, well, it’s important to market yourself if you want to grow your brand and generate leads or sales.

Are you tired of the pressure to post pretty images (and now, make VIDEOS and REELS!) and write thoughtful captions, especially on days that feel either too busy or too slow? Are you tired of being compared to other people who are doing the same thing above and below your post? I get it, and I often feel that way, too. 

But if you are in marketing (like me) or have a business you care about, then you know how important it is to stay connected with your audience. So, instead of dreading posting on social media, let’s learn how to get excited about social media again. Here are some tips that help me come up with easy ideas for posts when I’m feeling social media burnout.

Take the Pressure Off

The very first step to getting excited about social media again is to take the pressure off yourself to post. This doesn’t mean letting your social media accounts fall by the wayside. However, when we put pressure on ourselves to make posts that we’re not happy with, our followers can sense it. When we feel free to post more authentically (while still following whatever your brand guidelines are!), social media becomes less of a burden.


Content marketing, which social media falls under, is not always about selling. What is something a customer has asked you lately, or what is a question you get a lot? That is very easy material to work with. Even if it’s a question you think is trivial (you are the expert, after all), the answer might be worth mentioning in a social media post!

Share Your Wins

Did you recently make the news or are you proud of a new product you’re offering? Everyone loves good news and your followers want to be able to celebrate with you! Share your wins with your audience so that everyone can get a dose of all the good feelings.

Repurpose Content You’re Proud Of

Is there a blog post or social media post from the past that you’re really proud of? If it’s not timely content, don’t be afraid to reuse it! If there are resources you have shared before, remind your audience that those are still available to them.

Blog posts and other forms of long-form content are great resources to break apart into several social media posts. It’s not uncommon to turn one blog post into five bite-sized social media posts! When you can repurpose content you’ve already created on one platform for different platforms, that’s the definition of working smarter, not harder.

Embrace Your Artform

Think about how you’re already documenting your day-to-day routine in your business. Do you love taking photos of your products to share with others? Then post those photos into your feed! Or, if you prefer voice memos to text, you might want to try going on Facebook Live or sharing an Instagram Story. Maybe you want to try that new dance everyone else is doing; embrace the weirdness and post it on TikTok or make a Reel. 

When we treat social media as a way to keep in touch with other people, it only makes sense to embrace the forms of communication we’re drawn to. This doesn’t mean you never branch out into something new, but remember, we’re trying to get excited about social media again! So if you’re feeling pressure because everyone is making reels and you just like to post photos, then it’s okay, just post photos!

Have a Conversation

Ultimately, social media is all about keeping in touch with your audience. Remember – your followers are people who want to stay connected with you. They want to support you and be a part of your community. So when it’s time to post something, there is no need to feel any more pressure than you would with a group of friends!

Need More Support?

Social media is by no means an end-all-be-all. In fact, we get it: you have a business to run. And sometimes, that gets in the way of being creative or it just adds to the pressure of having social media. That’s why our Stratos team has created a free resource of 101 Social Media Prompts, so you will never run out of social media ideas again!

And for business owners who simply want extra support, our team is happy to help lighten your social media load. Request an appointment today to chat about your social media goals and how we can help you achieve them!

Looking for even more guidance with your social media? We’ve created the ideal social media scheduler that comes with prompts, templates, feedback, and brainstorming sessions so you can DIY your social media accounts with support from expert marketers and content creators. Join our DIY Social Media Club—by this time tomorrow, you could have your next month of content scheduled!