
Why you should choose Stratos Creative Marketing

What would your past clients have to say about your work?

Testimonials can be found throughout our website. 

Additionally, we have conducted a prolific amount of case studies detailing our clients and their results for you to check out, organized across all of our service offerings including: Web Design Development, Web Design, Social Media Campaigns, Social Media Development, Email Marketing, and Newsletter Management

How will you understand and communicate my vision?

We will have comprehensive conversations during our intake/kick-off meeting. We will be prepared with a lot of questions and will do a lot of listening to learn as much as we can about you, your business, your goals, and will develop your message together. We will function as a consultative partner of your business, and will welcome and implement feedback at every stage of the process. 

How quick is your follow up?

We respond to client emails within 48 hours during the business week (if it is a weekend when you contact us, we may not respond until Monday). Often our communication is quicker, but 48 hours is our deadline.

Do you have examples of your past work?

Depending on what type of work you are looking to see, it can be found all over the web! Our Facebook and Instagram both showcase our social media marketing work, along with a glimpse into our graphic design. To see our work in terms of content and flow, hop over to our website and blog.

Please feel free to download some of the resources available on our website for a look at design, content development and methods of distribution. Didn’t quite find what you were looking for? Shoot us an email and we would be happy to provide you with some additional examples!

What type of clients do you work with?

Our clients are generally in service-based industries with revenues ranging from $150,000 (solopreneurs, small businesses looking to outsource their marketing) to multi-million dollars (mid to large-sized businesses whose marketing teams need extra assistance).

Typically, our clients are looking to improve their company’s relationship to social media, and better tap into that arena as a source of new business.

What is StoryBrand and how does it affect your services?

The StoryBrand framework is a marketing method in which you learn to clarify your message and speak to your client’s pain-point, while making them the hero of their story.

Our CEO, Julia, is a certified StoryBrand Guide and as a StoryBrand Certified Agency, our entire Stratos team is diligently trained in this same framework. We have seen the power of StoryBrand and love to help our clients utilize it in their businesses.

What to expect and how to prepare

What do I need to have prepared before an initial consultation?

Just be prepared to tell us about you and your business! What makes you tick? What makes you cringe? What would make you feel more successful? How is your business’s relationship with social media going? Come with any questions you have for us. Prior to your kick-off meeting, we will send you a link to a discovery guide. This guide includes questions that will help us understand your goals and design preferences so that we can design within a style that resonates best with your business. We can discuss the guide further at your kick off call.

What should I expect during the proposal process?

After our consultation we will send you a proposal which will include the package you have chosen, with a description, deliverables and pricing. After looking it over and approving it, you will submit your retainer and sign the proposal. After we countersign, our creative team will get to work. 

What should I expect during our intake appointment?

We will discuss our approach, timeline and expectations. We will gather your information and clarify messages. We may need to gather login information for websites or social media accounts.

What is communication like with you?

We communicate with our clients regarding day-to-day information via email or brief phone calls. Depending on what needs to be discussed and our timeline, we will schedule meetings via Zoom as well.

Social Media Clients

Why is my social media important?

This question is exactly why Stratos Creative Marketing got into this business! There are SO many reasons. In many cases, potential new clients and customers will find your socials before your website. It’s the first impression they get of you, your business, your products/services, and your employees, in addition to serving as an invaluable tool to driving traffic to your website. Often, social media users inadvertently turn to their social media as a search tool in finding products and services, and the turnaround time from click to purchase on social media ads can be very quick. 

Social media is also extraordinarily useful in engaging and growing your relationship with your current customers, and can help you build a community around your products and services. 

This is where we come in – to help you build a vibrant and useful relationship with social media. 

What does Social Media Management mean?

We have several Social Media packages that we can personalize for your businesses needs.

Each package includes:

  • Samples posts before we begin to schedule posts 
  • Check-ins with our content creators to make sure we are up to date on your business and upcoming events
  • Create and schedule social media posts on the channels you would like us to use
  • Monthly reporting with analytics and tips for future posting

We can personalize the content and voice to fit your brand and customize the number of posts  based on your needs and budget.

What should I expect when it comes to social media marketing?

While we cannot guarantee a certain number of followers to your social media profile, we will guarantee our best work and a comprehensive strategy to boost interactivity and interest in your content. We will partner with you to create an abundant and engagement-generating-relationship with your social media. Based on the package you choose, we will agree to a set number of deliverables and postings per month. 

We will also research hashtags that are a best fit for your brand, industry, and social media to engage with your followers as outlined in our contract. 

What are the expectations for me in engaging with customers on Social media?

We expect that you will answer and direct messages that are sent to your accounts and if there are questions we feel like we can’t answer, you can help us.

How do I know if my social media is working?

It takes time to build relationships on social media organically. It’s all about deepening the connection with your audience. During this time, we will help you measure engagement (likes, comments, and shares) with access to detailed reports and data-driven insights… In addition, we will talk about what that engagement should lead to for your business (more appointments, increased newsletter sign-ups, more people signed up for your event, etc.)

Most importantly we want your business to grow because of your social media presence and improve your relationship with social media in general.

Do you provide reports on social media engagement?

We will conduct monthly reporting using our scheduler software’s metrics system. It tells us:

  • Measurements of engagement and impression rates
  • Best days/times to post
  • Tops posts for that specific time period.
What is my role in the process?

This is up to you, the package you select, and how hands on you want to be. We will discuss this during our intake call, and we pride ourselves on being able to take your voice and amplify it creatively from that call with as much or as little direction as you’d like to provide.

How much does it cost to hire you for social media?

We have packages starting at $1,000. Pricing increases from there based on your needs.

Website Clients

How involved do I have to be in the process?

You will need to be involved in the information-gathering phase and the approval phase. After we’ve discussed what you’d like to see on your new website, we’ll craft the messaging and design a prototype that you can review. We’ll make any edits you recommend and begin to build the rest of the site. At the end, we’ll make sure you have the opportunity to provide feedback, request changes and approve the final prototype before we launch your new website.

How much does a new website cost?

The websites we create begin at $2500 and include copywriting, design, development and more. The investment increases depending on how many pages you’d like on your new website.

Will someone teach me how to use and edit my site?

We offer video tutorials so that you will be able to edit basic features (like the text and photos) on your website if needed. You can always reach out to us with any questions you might have as well. If you require more in-depth edits later on, we can discuss those with you.


What main information or items are needed to design my website?

We will have a kick-off meeting to gather information from you and to suggest as well as collaborate on ideas. The information that we gather will depend upon which pages we are designing for you.

Some of what include: what problems you solve for your clients, your team members, what makes you unique. We will also need your branding items (i.e. logos, colors and font choices) as well as some pictures if you have them, from which we can create graphics.

Will you continue editing and updating my website for me or do I need to do it?

Once your site is up and running it’s all yours! We will provide you with video tutorials to make some of those basic changes so that you can effectively manage it on your own. If you’d prefer not to manage and update your own website, we do have care plans available where we take care of your new website for you.

How long does it take to design a website for me?

A new website can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks to create. It all depends on how many pages and features you’re looking for.

Why is the design of my website so important?

It will often be the first impression a potential client has of you and your business; it will encourage or discourage them from reaching out to you about your services. You want your website to be attention-grabbing, clear and professional. You also want it to be personal and unique to your brand, and for it to cultivate a relationship with your clients oriented around your products and services.

A well-designed website will also integrate seamlessly with your social media.