We want to feature YOUR work!

Do you have knowledge and a unique perspective to share but lack the platform to share your knowledge and expertise?

We can help.

Stratos is excited to feature additional authors on our blog who can give our readers a fresh perspective and speak to specific topic areas. Our audience is mainly business owners and entrepreneurs so we are looking for topics that will interest them.


  • Original content only please.
  • Word Count: around 300-600 words 
  • Please also provide: a headshot, short bio, and any links you would like us to include.


  • Submit your idea with the form below. (We value your time, and therefore want to make sure your idea will be a good fit for our readers before you take time out of your busy schedule to write your entire post!)
  • We will reach out to you to confirm your idea and schedule a submission date.
  • After your blog is submitted, it may not be posted immediately. We have a database of blogs that we pull from each week, and there may be others ahead of it in the queue. Please join our mailing list to see yourself featured!

Have an idea for a great marketing adjacent topic? Submit your idea using this form.

12 + 7 =

Where will my blog be published?

A summarized version will be shared in our newsletter and the full version will be published on our blog.

If you would like to be added to our distribution list  for our newsletter, please fill out the following form.

This newsletter is solid gold. Your team is on fire! The “marketing in the wild” column is genius.


I just got Julia Block’s email about how shes handeling the issues brought up in the social dilemma. I want to say BRAVO on how you approached it, explained it. It was personal and honest. You also gave hope.


You’ve got lots of great quips of wisdom in these issues.


Have any questions?

Email Kelsey at kelsey@stratoscreativemarketing.com

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