Branding + Logo Design, Lead Generation, Website Design + Development
LingoUnlocked (formerly Seattle Language Key) wanted to rebrand so their name, logo, and website aligned more with who they are and the ideal client they want to serve. Although they knew they wanted to make changes, they weren't sure how to rebrand themselves. And after rebranding, they needed a way to generate new leads and nurture their current audience but lacked the knowledge and capacity to do so.
To begin, Stratos partnered with LingoUnlocked to find a new name that represented them well. Next, we helped create a new logo and website, positioning them as the guide and their ideal customer as the hero. Finally, we assisted them in setting up ads, a series of welcome emails, and social media posts that would continue to speak to their ideal audience and invite them into the story.
LingoUnlocked received a fresh rebrand that feels authentic and helps them communicate their messaging. New leads are nurtured immediately through an automated series of welcome emails without LingoUnlocked having to think about it. Now they can spend their time providing meaningful services to their current clients while their marketing tells their story and draws new clients into partnership with them.

With our Lead Generation package, we were able to grow LingoUnlocked's Facebook account from 0 to 500+ engaged followers in just 6 months.