Genesis Archery
Lead Generation
Genesis Archery is an established brand with a large following. Though Genesis’ brand was reaching a large number of people, they wanted help reaching the right audience. They were unsure of how to develop the most effective messaging, or get that messaging out to their target market. The Genesis team needed to focus on the business of creating quality bows and accessories for their customers, but also needed a different marketing approach. With their heavy workload, the Genesis team didn’t have the capacity to create and maintain an effective online presence.
The Stratos team sat down with Genesis to define their ideal customer and develop StoryBranded messaging for their website, lead generators, social media channels, ads, and weekly newsletters. After their messaging had been established, the Stratos Team began creating content for each of these. <br />
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The messages on each of their online spaces speak to their ideal customer of millennial parents. One of the first projects the Stratos team worked on was developing a lead generator for Genesis Archery. This Lead Gen captures potential customers’ email addresses. We continue to provide value to this audience through weekly emails that hit content buckets Genesis determined as important, and speak to their ideal customer. <br />
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In addition to weekly emails, we continue speaking to this ideal customer on social media with StoryBranded messaging that provides value, speaks to their pain point, and calls them to action with Genesis. <br />
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Their social media ads act as an additional piece to the puzzle, speaking to the problem their ideal customer is facing and inviting them to download the lead gen or build a custom bow. Genesis is now able to focus on running their business, while feeling confident that their messaging is building community and nurturing their audience every day.
Now Genesis Archery’s messaging is consistent across all platforms and speaks directly to their target audience. Since it has been in place, their lead generator has been sent to 4,061 individuals. Their lead generator is performing extremely well, with open rates at 37.1% compared to an industry average of 24.7% while their click rates for these lead generators are at 13.4%, compared to an industry average of 2.5%. <br />
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Aside from the sales funnel emails, this audience opens Genesis newsletter emails at a rate of 24.7% and clicks through them at a rate of 4.9%, both of these rates higher than the industry standard of 22.6% and 2.5%.<br />
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Since the Stratos Team began creating social media content for Genesis, their Facebook content has received 181.9k engagements, with engagement rate per post at 12.6%. They have received a total of 7,525 engagements on Instagram; their posts averaging a 60.7% engagement rate per post.

Stratos has been instrumental in helping us to regain traction and grow our online presence, creating quality brand exposure content and getting it out there with consistency. Amidst juggling accounts, routine meetings, and maintaining healthy production flow, there’s little time left to be present and engaged with our followers. It has been overwhelming at times, trying to keep up with it all. But we know that it’s so important to nurture relationships, meeting people wherever they’re at! It alleviates a lot of stress knowing that Stratos is creating beneficial content for our customers, helping us to better express how much we care about them and their wellbeing.