Advice Column
Lead Generation, Website Design + Development


Lisa was starting a new business, a podcast that shared experiences and stories to help people feel less alone and solve some of life's challenges. She needed to create marketing materials and content to help reach her ideal audience and create a presence, but she couldn't do it all while also creating the podcast and running the rest of her business.


Stratos partnered with Lisa to design a new website that would position Lisa as the guide and her panelists and audience as the hero. Next, we created 8 social media posts per month and biweekly emails to educate and nurture her audience. Together, we also created ads to help generate new leads and a larger audience for Lisa's messaging. All of these things worked together to ensure Lisa was capturing her ideal audience, nurturing them with regular social and email content, and was able to point people to a professional website for more information and authenticity.


Rather than Lisa having to hire and supervise all of this work in-house on top of the other aspects of her business and podcast, Stratos took over as her dedicated marketing team. While she took care of her other responsibilities, her website served as a landing page for her audience, allowing them to learn more and housing new episodes and resources. At the same time, our ads reached her ideal audience, getting her resources into their hands and resulting in a cost-effective lead acquisition with 4,919 leads at just $2.11 per lead over one 18-month period. In the three and a half years we've worked together, our marketing strategies have driven significant growth for Advice Column. Through various lead-generating campaigns, we've gathered over 38,000 leads and her social media following has expanded to more than 4,000 followers. Most importantly, at the end of the day, Advice Column's success did not compromise Lisa's well-being or lead to burn out. She can continue to enjoy these accomplishments while running the rest of her business.
Lisa's website is one of my favorites we have designed to date. I love how personal, fun, and inspiring Advice Column is as a business and I wanted those traits reflected in her websites design.
Savannah Guthrie

Website Designer