Content Repurposing Workshop

On-demand expert coaching and collaboration from our creative team to create a content repurposing framework for your social, web, and email content.


There’s an easier way to create content.

Learn how the pros on the creative team at Stratos utilize repurposed content to streamline their content creation.

Struggling to generate new ideas for content on a consistent basis while you’re running a business?


So were we, until we mastered the art of repurposing.

If you spend time creating a quality piece of content, you should be able to use it more than once, and the thing is, you totally can. Blogs can become emails. Emails can become social posts. Social posts can become videos. Repurposing is endless.

We effectively repurpose content here at Stratos for both ourselves and our clients, with excellent results.


Save time, frustration, and brain cells.

Creating content doesn’t have to be your favorite part of running a business. But it definitely should not represent another source of stress. In fact, it can (and should be!) fun. 

Learn from the Stratos Content Creation team about how we create one piece of useful content that we are proud of, and turn it into many, many more. 

What you get:

  2 hours of education on repurposing

✓  Behind the scenes on our tried-and-true methods

  Accountability to get it done

  One-on-one feedback from seasoned professionals

  Walk away with ready-to-write content


Master content repurposing in 3 easy steps

1. Purchase the workshop.

Get instant access to 2 hours of education on repurposing along with the notebook and slide deck from the workshop.

2. Watch the replay.

Watch by yourself or with your team. This is a great reference point for you – repurpose the workshop to repurpose your content!

3. Walk away with
ready-to-create content.

Join a brainstorming session with our team to review your content and answer any lingering questions.

I was nervous going into the content repurposing workshop because I thought there was no way a lawyer could effectively use the kind of marketing that I knew we would be discussing. I’ve never been happier to be wrong. The workshop was informative, concise, and a huge relief. The entire Stratos team worked so hard to make the workshop feel like an individual session, and the breakout sessions were so helpful that I nearly cramped up my hand from writing down all the ideas that Ryann and my fellow attendees were able to help me come up with. I cannot recommend this workshop highly enough. Even if you think you know nothing about marketing (like me), you will definitely benefit from attending!

Samantha Hall

Fleur de Law Legal Office

As a small business owner, I sometimes feel overwhelmed with everything I must do. The Repurposing Workshop taught me simple, time leveraging ways to market my business so I can focus on what I love doing. Once again, Stratos Creative Marketing has added tremendous value to my business!

Tasha Eizinger

The Little Shot

About the Stratos Team

At Stratos we live and breathe the content creation cycle. 

We love it. On a daily basis, we are improving business owners and marketing director’s relationship with social media by consistently generating fabulous social content that integrates seamlessly with email and web marketing efforts. 

During our workshop, you will meet our team of content coordinators. Ryann, Emily, Justine, and Dylan. These are our creative experts, all Storybrand trained, and all passionate about and gifted in creating useful, elegant, and repurposeful content. You will get one-on-one access with them (and possibly some of our other team members) after the workshop to get feedback on your work.

Choose your workshop style:


Instant, unlimited access to the workshop recording

Brainstorming session with seasoned professionals


Live Workshop

A live workshop just for your team (up to 10 people)

Interactive, with time for questions and feedback


Request a live workshop with the form below

Request a Live Content Repurposing Workshop

4 Types of Blogs You Can Write | Stratos Creative Marketing

Not sure what to repurpose?

Here are some ideas.

Part of the process of repurposing content is having a piece of long-form content that serves as an “anchor” to the rest of your content. You’ll bring this with you to the workshop. There are a lot of different ways you can create this content:

  • Go through your socials – find a post that generated a lot of engagement and attention, and develop a newsletter, email, or reel/video from it
  • Write a blog answering one of the most common questions you get from clients.
  • Put together a Top 10 list that is relevant to your field.
  • Write an article that shows you understand the problem your customer is facing.
  • Piece together a case study about one of your clients.

Honestly, the list of things you can write about is endless. If you need help brainstorming a topic, let us know. We’re here to help.

Ready for a new outlook on content creation?

Let go of your frustration, writer’s block, and the time suck of over-analyzing content creation. Learn our tried-and-true repurposing methods and start the new year off with enough quality and original content to fill your next quarter.