About StoryBrand

A framework that amplifies and clarifies your marketing message.

Any quality marketer will tell you that your brand needs to tell a story. 

But very few tell you HOW.

Enter: the StoryBrand framework

The StoryBrand framework is a seven-part messaging system that invites your audience into a story you are telling. It positions them as the central character in your story – the hero – and your business as the guide, leading them to your product or service as the solution to the problem your business solves.

Here’s a quick video that summarizes the book “Building a StoryBrand” by Donald Miller. 

Want to dive deeper?

Buy the Book

Donald Miller uses the seven universal elements of powerful stories to teach listeners how to grow their businesses.

Take a Course

The StoryBrand Messaging Framework course is available inside of Business Made Simple

Join the Livestream

Create a clear message and 5-part marketing plan for your business at the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream

How we use StoryBrand at Stratos

Julia learned of  StoryBrand through a book club back in 2018. While other people in the club took the full six weeks to read the book, Julia blazed through it as THIS was the formula she’d been hoping to find for her clients. Julia has been a certified StoryBrand guide since February 2019, and every member of the team is formally trained in the StoryBrand framework. Stratos as an organization is a StoryBrand certified affiliate as an org. We use it as the foundation for all of our copy work: social media, emails, websites, etc.

Our goal is that every single piece of copy we write points to an appropriate part of the StoryBrand framework. Why? It’s simple – we use it because it works. When you connect your audience to your story as the main character, they become immediately more invested in how that story ends (which, if we’re telling it, ends in a transaction).

Want to figure out how to implement StoryBrand into your marketing?