Kricia Palmer
Lead Generation


Kricia Palmer, a medical practitioner, interior designer, and owner of House Calls for Physicians, had developed a quiz and mini course to use as lead generators. Her target audience of physicians wants to beautify and design their home; these lead generators were the first steps into her sales funnel.

While her lead generators were excellent, she wanted to send more traffic to them. Her email list and business were growing, but not as fast as she liked. With a larger email list, she would be able to launch her course and pitch her design services to more individuals in her target audience.


Kricia was already creating great organic social media content and nurture emails. The lead-generating ads were the missing piece. <br /> <br /> Stratos created ads to place on Facebook and Instagram. These ads promote both the quiz and the mini-course – the first steps into the funnel from which Kricia can sell her design services and course.


Since launching Kricia’s ads, we’ve seen the ad spend be as low as $0.57 per link click. Recently we launched a retargeting campaign with an offer for a $350 design consultation. In May 2021, she booked more consults than ever before due to the ad campaign.
"Kricia creates beautiful homes and does so with a very unique business model. We reflected both of those characteristics into her ad design, also adding strong copy that attracted her target audience."
Steph Scott

Ads Specialist, Stratos Creative Marketing