Corner Wines
Branding + Logo Design


Corner Wines started as a wine corner store, with plans for opening a wine bar as well. They needed a timeless rebrand that would allow their business to be recognizable and welcoming. Wine can be intimidating, but Corner Wines wanted people to "come as they are". Their old logo didn't provide the messaging they desired, but they didn't have the design background to create a new one, which left them feeling stuck.


The team at Corner Wines filled out our discovery guide, allowing us to gather important information about their needs, which we were able to review together at our kick-off meeting. This kick-started our work together and gave us great insight into what they expected to see in their new logo. In the end, Stratos Creative Marketing provided Corner Wines with several different logo design options we knew would appeal to their ideal customer. The Corner Wines team ultimately chose the logo option that appealed to them most.


Now Corner Wines has access to multiple versions of the logo they love which speaks to their ideal audience and positions them as unique, fun, and trustworthy. They are equipped to incorporate their new branding on all of their marketing materials and can be sure that their ideal audience will recognize them and feel welcome.

Corner Wines brought to us the unique problem of wanting a logo that did not use any typical "wine" colors or imagery. We provided them with bold colors, modern fonts, and a wine glass graphic unique to their style of service which sets them apart from their competitors.
Savannah Guthrie

Graphic Designer, Stratos Creative Marketing