
to your onboarding page

Save or bookmark this page to reference throughout the project when you have any questions!

This page is a quick overview of :

Your team


Onboarding Process

Social Media Creation Process


Next steps

Other marketing services

Frequently asked questions

Your Team

Who we are, what we do, and how to contact us

Bryce Shockley

Account Manager

Bryce keeps the flow of your content on track while also helping with strategy ideas. He will be your go-to if you have questions, need help, or just want to say hi.

Email: Bryce@stratoscreativemarketing.com

Julia Block

Strategy and CEO

Throughout this project, Julia will be behind the scenes making sure your social media messaging targets not only your goals but your ideal audience.

Email: julia@stratoscreativemarketing.com

Ryann Marlar

Senior Content CoOrdinator

Ryann manages writing your content for social media accounts and email newsletters. She is the creative brains behind building your content behind your brand goals. 

Email: ryann@stratoscreativemarketing.com

Kelsey Potter

Admin CoOrdinator

You’ll hear from Kelsey at the beginning and end of your project. She helps you achieve your goals by streamlining our process and implementing your feedback. Oh, and she also sends you gifts.

Email: Kelsey@stratoscreativemarketing.com


How to get in touch with us

Please contact our account manager, Mallory, for any needs you may have while working with us.

Feedback Guidelines

We appreciate simple and straightforward feedback. When we send drafts of your social media posts, please follow these guidelines to help us both understand and move forward to create content you’re proud of:

  • Be honest! 

  • Always “REPLY ALL” to each email. This is very important as we work with multiple people – both on your team and ours – and we want to make sure that everyone stays in the loop and we don’t miss something. 

  • First, think about your business’ goals, your audience, and your customers. Base your feedback off of their mindset and thoughts and not yours. It’s more important to make sure your brand appeals to your target client/customer and audience. Ask yourself: Do you feel this content idea will attract your target market?

  • Next, tell us how you feel about the design. How do the colors, fonts, photos and graphics make you feel?

Our Onboarding Process 

What to expect while working with us

Follow along with your progress

*We really appreciate your effort to provide files and feedback within our project timeline and to communicate consistently with us. At Stratos, we will do the same. Our team understands content delays are no fun and we will work with you to keep the project timeline on track! Don’t lose out on your hard-earned money, your opportunity to grow your business, or your chance to connect with your ideal clients.

Social Media Creation Process 

Exactly how this works and who is responsible for what


  • Copywriting 
  • Designing 
  • *Scheduling content (if your package includes scheduling) 
  • Monthly reporting


  • Providing branded images and your Brand Guide if you have one (logo, fonts, color palette, etc.)
  • Giving final approval and scheduling your content (if the package you chose does not include scheduling)
  • Engaging with your audience,

ProOfing Process Options

Different ways to approve your content

We know that our clients have different preferences on their level of proofing, so we have 3 different options for you:

OPTION 1 *our preference*

1. We write the text content and design then send it to you to proof a month’s worth of content at once, delivered 1-2 weeks before the first of the month 

2. You provide any edits and feedback

3. We make the changes and schedule your content / deliver final content (depending on if your package includes us scheduling your content for you)


1. We write the text content and design and send to you to proof a month’s worth of content at once, delivered 1-2 weeks before the first of the month 

2. You provide any edits and feedback 

3. We make the changes and send back to you for a 2nd round of revisions

4. You provide final approval

5. We schedule your content / deliver final content (depending on if your package includes us scheduling your content for you)


1. We write the text content and design then send it to you to proof 50% of the month’s worth of content at once, delivered 1-2 weeks before the first of the month and again the first week of the month.

2. You provide any edits and feedback each time

3. We make the changes and schedule your content / deliver final content (depending on if your package includes us scheduling your content for you)

Next Steps

What we’ll need from you to move forward

That was quite a bit of information, so here’s a wrap up of what we’ll need from you:

  • 1. Fill out the discovery guide (15-30 minutes): One of the most important steps, the discovery phase helps us understand your business, target market, and personal design tastes so we can craft a strategy and design content that you’re proud of.

  • 2. Fill out the client intake form (3-5 minutes): This form benefits us so we can have all your information in one spot for easier contact. And it benefits you so we can send you gifts on work-iverseries, birthdays, holidays, or whenever we feel like we miss you!

  • 3. Send us any logos, brand guidelines, and imagery you’d like us to use.
  • 4. Access to social media accounts: We will go over this on our Kickoff Call if you need help.


If you have any questions, reach out to the Account manager, Bryce Shockley, at Bryce@stratoscreativemarketing.com

Other Services Available to Compliment Your Social Media

We offer more than just social media! Below are some of the other options that many of our clients use in conjunction with their social media services with us.

Email Marketing

Tired of coming up with content to email your community every week or month?

Or maybe you’re not emailing them but you know you should? Or maybe you don’t even have a list but you think you need one? With email marketing, you’re guaranteed to land in their email inbox.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to nurture your leads until they become customers.

Social Advertising

Want to reach even more of your ideal client and target audience?

Paid social media ads can do just that.

We will write and design your ads as well as manage your campaigns behind the scenes so you don’t have to worry about anything but handling those leads that the ads bring in.

Website Design & Development

Don’t waste your time figuring out how to build a website you love. 

Perhaps you’ve worked with other web developers who aren’t listening to what you want in a website. Perhaps you’ve tried building your own website only to feel frustrated that it’s not doing what you need.

 You should focus on your sweet spot in business and let us build a beautiful website that works.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is StoryBrand and how does it affect your services?

The StoryBrand framework is a marketing method in which you learn to clarify your message and speak to your client’s pain-point, while making them the hero of their story. Our CEO, Julia, is a certified StoryBrand Guide, and some of our other team members also have training in it. We have seen the power of  this framework and love to help our clients utilize it in their businesses.

Am I required to use the Storybrand approach if I work with you?

You are not required to use the StoryBrand framework in your marketing approach when working with us. We do, however, highly recommend this approach as it is very successful in reaching your clients and building a trusting relationship with them.

What are the expectations for me as a client in engaging with customers on Social media?

We expect that you will answer and direct messages that are sent to your accounts and if there are questions we feel like we can’t answer, you can help us.

How do I know if my social media is working?

It takes time to build relationships on social media organically. It’s all about deepening the connection with your audience. During this time, we will help you measure engagement (likes, comments and shares).

In addition, we will talk about what that engagement should lead to for your business (more appointments, increased newsletter sign ups, more people signed up for your event, etc.) Most importantly we want your business to grow because of your social media presence. 

Do you do reporting of any kind for Social media?

We will do monthly reporting using our schedulers matrics system. It tells us:

  • Measurements of engagement and impression rates
  • Best days/times to post
  • Tops posts for that specific time period.

What if I’m not I’m not tech savvy?

That’s why we’re here! You don’t need to be super tech savvy to have a successful social media presence or thriving business. We are always an email away when it comes to helping you through challenges.

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